Canadian-A Educational Resources

for Family School & Homeschool

Available starting December 2021


Self-Publishing Packages with Admiration Books

We edit and format your black and white print book for publication, create a colour cover design with your input, then print it for you. We obtain the ISBN number for you as well. We make it available for sale on Amazon and for distribution in bookstores. This package includes 25 copies of your book and additional author copies are available at cost + shipping/handling. You will also receive royalties on the Amazon sales. This package also includes access to our curated page of author tips and marketing ideas, including how to create an Amazon author page. We work on this service from October to May; if you purchase during the summer months that’s ok. We just may not begin the process until October ; you will get into priority sequence this way, however.

Children’s Picture Book: Your Quality Illustrations

You’ve got the story and the quality pictures to go with it! This package includes editing, layout and formatting of your children’s book as well as collaborating with you on cover design. We obtain the ISBN number for you and print your book as well as make it available for sale on Amazon and in bookstores. 10 copies of your colour children’s paperback picture book are included and additional copies will be available for purchase at wholesale + shipping/handling. You will receive access to our curated page of author tips and marketing ideas, with instructions on how to create an Amazon author page and you will also receive instructions for getting your manuscript and quality images to us. We work on these projects from October to May. You may purchase during the summer months but starting the process may be delayed until October- but you will be placed in priority sequence.

Children’s Picture Book: We Provide the Illustrations


Biography/ Autobiography Ghost Writing Package $5000

Some companies charge more for sub-standard illustrations, or charge hundreds of dollars for each picture. We have a team of amazing illustrators who work with us to provide this amazing value. This package includes editing, illustrations, cover design, layout, formatting, ISBN number, and printing. Additionally, we put it on the Amazon platform for sale as well as distribution to bookstores. You will receive 15 copies of your completed colour paperback children’s book, and additional author copies will be available for purchase at wholesale + shipping/handling. This package includes access to our curated page of author tips and marketing ideas, with instructions on how to create an Amazon author page and so much more! Compare with other companies and you will see this is a great value. We work on these projects from October to May. You can purchase anytime but if you do so in the summer we may not begin until October. If you want your children’s book in time for Christmas, we recommend getting started with us early in the year.


This service will be offered starting January 2022. You can get started anytime by making your deposit. You will then receive a download for a detailed planning document and “homework” so that you can get started on your notes for the book.

You have a story to share with the world. We work with you to write your story and publish it in paperback print format. Build your brand or share your memories. Not a writer? No problem. We write in collaboration with you then edit, format, create a compelling cover design and print the book you need to get out into the world. We take care of the ISBN and make your book available on Amazon and to bookstores. You will receive 50 copies of the completed work to sell or give away to family and friends. Additional author copies will be available for purchase at wholesale price + shipping/handling and you will receive any royalties from your Amazon sales. Share your story with the world! We work on these projects from September to May. This is a lengthy process as we conduct interviews and work with you to make sure all that you want said is said in the best possible way. Some companies charge twice as much for this service. You can purchase this package anytime, but if you do it in the summer, we may not get started until October. Go ahead and start your deposit to receive our detailed homework PDF so you can get started on answering questions and filling in the outline in preparation for our collaboration. $2500 at the beginning and then $2500 when it’s published.